Intelligent helmet - professional knowledge and experience for operating personnel
Currently available applications:
  1. Workflow visualization and documentation display
  2. Social learning
  3. Call an expert
  4. Location and navigation, asset KPI visualization
  5. Emergency quick evacuation
  6. Accident assistance
The combination of operational access to information, analytical materials and collaboration tools for operational personnel.
Solution - Skills Insight: Remote Expert Communication
Video communication with a remote expert using an intelligent helmet in voice mode (hands free):
  • Requested experts of the desired profile
  • They see the situation from the position of field staff (image, lighting, sound, pictures are controlled
  • expert)
  • An expert can be everywhere (in and out of the factory)
  • After consultation, the expert goes into standby mode
Tasks to be Solved
  • Support for troubleshooting procedures
  • Support for equipment inspection procedures involving an expert
  • Interaction of console and field operators (through the exchange of audio, video, documents, etc.)
Solution - Skills Insight: Visualization of Job Flows
Managers appoint / authorize work before the start of the shift
  • Support for operator shifts with all the documentation necessary for completing tasks (in hands free mode)
  • Stages of complex work are available on the helmet screen. Actions are tracked and stored in memory.
  • Expanding the information landscape of the enterprise (anywhere, anytime, on any device)
  • The ability to customize and execute business processes
  • Accessibility through Movilizer (connecting non-cloud applications to the Cloud)
  • Identification of objects by read tags
Tasks to be Solved
  • Scheduled and unscheduled maintenance
  • Start / stop, emergency procedures
  • A history of completed work and orders is available to field staff at any time in hands free mode.
  • Coordination of information on locks / layouts, limited space and placement of personal protective equipment
Solution - Skills Insight: Visualize Current Technology Information on Demand
Providing field specialists, service personnel and other personnel with process data
  • Process data previously available only in the control rooms is now available to field personnel (for example, by adjusting the valve, the field operator sees changes in flows, temperatures, pressures, etc.) - through the cloud versions of SCADA and Movilizer
  • Technological data can be called up in hands free mode and displayed graphically in real time
  • Another paradigm for collaboration between console and field operators
Task to be solved
  • Effective start-up / shutdown and emergency cooperation
Solution - Skills Insight: Capitalizing Knowledge
Video communication with a remote expert using a smart helmet in voice mode (hands free)
  • Base video and photo materials of the work performed
  • Fixing the "ideal" performance by experienced operators for training beginners
  • Adding augmented reality to the video of the “ideal” activity (audio and multimodal comments, the ability to search for videos)
  • As the library grows, trained field staff will be able to choose the right course before completing complex tasks.
Task to be solved
  • Real capitalization of critical knowledge of the most experienced process management and equipment maintenance professionals
Digital Security for Staff

  • Scenario
  • Accident or accident
  • Personnel must leave the danger zone.
  • Sentence
  • Transfer alarms and threats to the Experion Orion console
  • User Interface Integration
  • Result
  • Faster and more coordinated response
  • The ability to evacuate personnel from hazardous areas